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The Legend Of Corgi.


He was powerful. So strong. The mighty Being. He was alone. His loneliness was filling up space and time. It was palpable. Omnipresent. It was dragging behind him like a darkness. It was walking ahead of him. It was waiting for him around every corner. His days were long. His nights were never-ending. It was always like that. That's how it was before he created Day and Night. Before he created Moon and Sun. That's how it was after he created Man and Woman. Bird and Fish. That's how it is now.

At night he was dreaming. After waking he was surrounded by his fantasies: Butterfly, Elephant, Cactus, Oak. Maybe tonight will be different. Maybe he will finally see It. It... It will take his loneliness and make a distant memory of it. It will take it far away from here. Far from Fish and Bird. Far from Mountain and Sand. Far from Morning and Evening.

And it came. He finally saw it. It came from his deepest sleep. From an unfathomable solitude of his soul. Oh what a creature. Now it was day and the creature stood next to him. Powerful. Soft. Companion. Friend. He looked into his friend's face and he said: morda. He looked at his chest and said: sila. He looked into his eyes and said: Corg.

He was happy. He was no longer alone in his heart. They walked together. They slept next to each other. They dreamt. They dreamt of Frog and Ginkgo, of Ocean and Cloud, of Beetle and Manatee, of Wind and Sunshine.

One day Corg ate Fish. He was sad and his friend was sad with him. Next day Corg ate Elephant. And Beetle after that. He ate Bird and Frog. His friend was too powerful for this place, too hungry. He was afraid for Ginkgo and Man, for Butterfly and Woman. One night he dreamt of his friend growing so big and powerful that there was no more room for any other creature, and his heart skipped a beat in his sleep, and in his dream his friend started growing smaller. When he awoke and looked up he did not see the faithful morda of his friend but only Clouds. Only Sky and shades of cobalt and lapis.

He looked down and met his friend's eyes, shades of coal and silver. His friend became small. He still could see sila in him but his legs became short. He laughed. Corgi he said. I will call you Corgi because

I took your powerful nogi from you. Corgi smiled. And he smiled back.


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