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Allie had a Bear

Allie had a bear. He was fluffy and soft with shiny black eyes and a kind face. Allie was small and mostly bald, with tiny hands and pixie feet. The bear was sitting on top of a cake. Allie was in her mother's arms. The cake was made out of diapers. The mother was made out of milk. Allie didn't care for the bear. The bear didn't know anyone and was a little shy.

Allie had a bear. She was in her crib. The bear was in a box with other toys. Allie was one year old with big cheeks and short wavy hair and she just lost her lilac bunny. The mother pulled the bear out of the toy box and put him in the crib with Allie.

Allie had a bear. He was pressed closely to her nose. She liked it. He smelled like home, he smelled like her mother and he made her nose warm. She walked about. She fell. She looked around, got up and walked some more. The bear was in her hand pressed to her nose. She fell. She thought of crying but the bear smelled like home and her mother and made her nose warm. She was OK. She got up.

Allie had a bear. The mother called him medvejonok. The word was funny. She tried to say it too but there were just too many letters in that word. Z, Allie said, Z.

Allie had a bear. She stood by the kindergarten door. She was told the kindergarten was no place for bears. She was puzzled. She needed him to be with her. She needed to press him to her nose to know that everything was going to be OK. She looked at her mother. The mother looked at the teacher standing by the kindergarten door. Well, maybe just today, said the teacher.

Allie had a bear. She was a big girl now. She was 5. She was learning to play the recorder, read, and paint rainbows. She had big cheeks and long hair. The bear looked old. He was not fluffy. His eyes were covered by his fur. Is that your mother's old toy, everybody asked. No? What's his name? Z? It's a funny name. Allie and the bear were best friends.

Allie has a bear. Allie is a first grader now. She has a big backpack and homework. She wears a uniform and ponytails. Her best friend's name is Z. When she presses him to her nose he smells. It's hard to say what he smells of now, but he makes Allie's nose warm. And she knows that everything is going to be OK.

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